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Non-fiction articles

Monday, February 20, 2017

Drama on the Canal Part Three By Sandra Bunting

February 2, 2003

Someone fell in the canal yesterday evening. The bells were just ringing six o’clock when a group of children came and told me there was something happening on the canal. The fire truck and several police cars had pulled up and were trying to reach something in the water. It was at the place where the new footbridge was being built. Bones of a frame stretched across the water in wait for a walkway. At first I thought it might have been a dog fallen in after a ball or a bird. Then scuba divers arrived. They wouldn’t have bothered with these for a dog. After several hours, everyone seemed to give up. The lock was opened flushing everything out to sea. It was then I saw the tiny shoe by the side of the canal. This morning it was announced that a body had been recovered from the sea.

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